Case studies
Find what you love and let it kill you. Bukowski was on to something there. Take risks, share ideas, don’t compare and accept feedback.
Bottom line, have fun and enjoy the ride.
Selected work
All things Aviva and insurtech.
Aviva.co.uk digital estate redesign
How do you engage with a diverse customer base in the crowded financial services sector to provide meaningful digital independence?
Aviva Framework design system
How do you gain the edge over the competition and attract and retain customers by creating consistent experiences?
How do you give a corporate site its own identity in order to be a destination to engage potential investors and existing shareholders alike?
Aviva Business
Who do you turn to when you need to take care of your business, your people, and your future? For Aviva Business, resilience is not just about the big picture. It also means looking after the business-as-usual things. Big or small, taking care of business is what we do.
Coming soon
Providing customers with the ability to self-serve their needs is critical in todays 24/7 world. MyAviva does just that and puts the user in control. Manage your policies on the go, make changes when you need and access the latest offers fast.
Coming soon
Other notable work
From digital engagement for a 157-year-old association to a new experience for one of the UK’s largest public sector companies.
Transform by Toshiba
Educators in the UK use I.T. each and every day. Could one service transform their existing setup to superhero-like performance levels?
Network Rail Health & Wellbeing
Can attitudes and behaviours of a 36,000 strong workforce change and drive a lasting business benefit to be proud of?
The Huntercombe Group
Can a specialist healthcare service provider increase customer confidence and lasting brand connections through care and support?
The F.A. Liveplayer
How do you create greater engagement through the use of data and insight in order to build upon the highs and lows of the modern game?
Nanyang Technological University
Creation of a first in class digital platform for one of Singapore’s leading universities, catering for all student and lecturer needs.
Building upon the fever pitch of international football tournaments a match predictor brings all the drama of each match day to the fore and challenges users to predict the outcome of a game with prizes at stake.
Consigned to the archive
A snapshot of other creative deliveries over the years.
Network Rail Code of Ethics
Toshiba Gary White I.T. Love Dr.
Lloyd’s of London
Wellcome Collection
Network Rail station safety
International Rugby Board
New York Cosmos